Monday, January 29, 2007
Another Sweet Baby
It has been awhile. Life is a little more than busy, crazy, wild. Work is the same unending race. I wonder how many live this way with their job or how many people actually have a calm, slow, 100% enjoyable, relaxing day at work. Don't misunderstand. Work is enjoyable most of the time. The children are wonderful and watching them discover things is the most amazing thing in the world, especially when they are succeeding. But sometimes, there is too much to do and not enough time. Right now we are battling some type of virus, cough epidemic. We have so many children absent, including my own. Coughing, fever, feeling yucky. Hoping for a little bit more healthy.
We have also had the pleasure to welcome another baby to our extensive set of friends. Congratulations B & B on your beautiful baby boy! He is precious. At this wonderful time, I sit back and reflect on the days when I would pray to God that you would be blessed with one baby, at the least, and now God has given you two beautiful angels. It is the most amazing thing. I eagerly look forward to watching them grow, and you enjoying them.
My mother-in-law is still in the hospital. She began dialysis last week. A bit weary with this procedure. Not sure how her life will change now and what does it hold for us. When a loved one is sick, you realize how much you take for granted when they are healthy. Today, I would give anything to see her home and sitting up and talking to us, anything. I am really struggling with the idea that the doctors may not be able to give her medicine to make her better. I am praying.
I went to church Sunday and had a very enjoyable time. Every service I am amazed by the stories in the Bible. It is the most interesting book. There seem to be stories about everything, and I have read only a few. I am thankful for this new walk.
Yesterday, my mom's family got together and had our first batch of crawfish this season. They were pretty good. It was really kind of weird. We got together at my grandmother's house, which was also my great-grandmother's house, the only house I ever remember my great-grandmother living in. Since I had a memory, my cousin and I (AR) would play there together. Her family lived next door to my great grandmother and my great-grandmother was her grandmother. She was the baby grandchild and my great-grandmother's favorite. We would play all the time. She used to have a clothes line in the yard that we would do flips on, it is gone now. The yard used to be so big, it seemed. My cousin would do cart wheels and all kinds of "tricks". I couldn't even do a cartwheel. It is funny to remember now. And yesterday, seeing all of our family there, together, just seemed really weird to think this house had been there for so long, and we had created all of these family memories there, and we keep on creating, now with our own children. My daughter slept in my grandmother's bed most of the day. Even that was weird to lay in the room and look at all of the little knickknacks my grandmother has. The whole experience was a really good feeling.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Do you believe in miracles?
It has been a couple of days since my last post. Mostly I look for pictures to go with my message. If I can't find a picture, then I save the message.
We had a friend get into a hunting accident about a week and a half ago. The guy was shot in the back of the head with a 22 by a very close friend of ours, which is also the young man's cousin. He made it to the hospital, through surgery, and has been critical for the past week. A couple of days ago he finally opened his eyes and has begun responding, by shaking his head, to his family. It surely is a miracle right before our eyes. The bullet entered the back of his head right above the hole in a baseball cap and went through his head stopping behind his nasal cavity. He lost alot of blood. But he is ALIVE and RESPONDING. The amount of prayers really seemed endless. I spoke to my cousin on Sunday, told her what had happened, asked her to please pray. She said she prayed for the young man and his family. She went to church. In the middle of church service, the pastor stopped and told them to think about everything they had done this morning. She said she thought about talking to me and praying again for the young man and his family. She prayed again. And today he is awake, his eyes are open, and he is responding. I know my cousin was not the only person praying for him. I know there has to be hundreds of people praying for him. It is just such a confirmation of God's power in this world. How could anyone doubt his power? We know that everything that happens in a life is already predetermined, God knows it all already. For such a tragedy to happen to such a wonderful young man, there must be something powerful to come out of this. I am eager to see what God has in store for this young man and his family. May everyone of them be blessed beyond belief.
On a different note, a very big CONGRATULATIONS to B & B on the birth of your baby boy! He is a handsome fella. We had two very close friends give birth to their babies exactly two weeks apart. The funniest thing is that the fathers grew up as best friends and now they have two little guys the same age. The newest baby is a cutie, blond peach fuzz, dimple in his chin like his dad, chubby cheeks, blue eyes, and strong. He is precious. Hats off to his mom for doing such an awesome job! I remember praying so many times for you to be blessed with a baby and to think now God has blessed you with two! WOW.
I am still battling the insomnia problem. Normal sleep seems like such a joke. After staying up for so long, I am scared to go to sleep because I know I will over sleep, be late for work, be tired all day and only thing about coming home to go and take a nap. Does the cycle ever end?
We had a friend get into a hunting accident about a week and a half ago. The guy was shot in the back of the head with a 22 by a very close friend of ours, which is also the young man's cousin. He made it to the hospital, through surgery, and has been critical for the past week. A couple of days ago he finally opened his eyes and has begun responding, by shaking his head, to his family. It surely is a miracle right before our eyes. The bullet entered the back of his head right above the hole in a baseball cap and went through his head stopping behind his nasal cavity. He lost alot of blood. But he is ALIVE and RESPONDING. The amount of prayers really seemed endless. I spoke to my cousin on Sunday, told her what had happened, asked her to please pray. She said she prayed for the young man and his family. She went to church. In the middle of church service, the pastor stopped and told them to think about everything they had done this morning. She said she thought about talking to me and praying again for the young man and his family. She prayed again. And today he is awake, his eyes are open, and he is responding. I know my cousin was not the only person praying for him. I know there has to be hundreds of people praying for him. It is just such a confirmation of God's power in this world. How could anyone doubt his power? We know that everything that happens in a life is already predetermined, God knows it all already. For such a tragedy to happen to such a wonderful young man, there must be something powerful to come out of this. I am eager to see what God has in store for this young man and his family. May everyone of them be blessed beyond belief.
On a different note, a very big CONGRATULATIONS to B & B on the birth of your baby boy! He is a handsome fella. We had two very close friends give birth to their babies exactly two weeks apart. The funniest thing is that the fathers grew up as best friends and now they have two little guys the same age. The newest baby is a cutie, blond peach fuzz, dimple in his chin like his dad, chubby cheeks, blue eyes, and strong. He is precious. Hats off to his mom for doing such an awesome job! I remember praying so many times for you to be blessed with a baby and to think now God has blessed you with two! WOW.
I am still battling the insomnia problem. Normal sleep seems like such a joke. After staying up for so long, I am scared to go to sleep because I know I will over sleep, be late for work, be tired all day and only thing about coming home to go and take a nap. Does the cycle ever end?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Grandmaw Johnson
Today is my Grandmaw's birthday. She is 77. She is the mother of five, grandmother of nine, and great grandmother of nine. Wow! It is amazing. She is the grandmother that took us in when I was 4. I remember living in the projects with her, along with my uncle, and two aunts. She was the amazing person that took care of my uncle after he got into a life changing wreck that broke his neck. I remember sleeping on a mattress on the floor with her. The rest of the family had taken the bedrooms. My grandmother has never been mean to me, always encouraging, loving, understanding. I remember being a child and wondering how everyone else could have a talent but not me. And she told me, you have a talent, you just might not know what it is yet. It was some of the most amazing words I had ever heard. She represents strength and perserverence to me. Always proving that no matter what life gives to you, you can make it. And even if life gives you a few unexpected things, it is okay, it is part of the deal. She makes the best potato salad. It is my absolute favorite. In case you don't know maw, I love you and admire you a whole lot. Love your granddaughter.
Friday, January 19, 2007
My mom and Khai. She has always been right there with him (and Hannah). He is especially spoiled to her too. To watch your parent with your children has to be the most amazing feeling in the world. No matter your childhood, there is something about grandparents and grandchildren. They act silly with them, they play with them (any game), they spoil them horribly, they take up for them. The list really is endless. My mom and Khai. He loves her so much, unconditionally. It really is amazing.
Hannah and Khai swimming at Howard's. This is one of my favorite pictures of them of all time. Somehow I managed to forget it on the Christmas card (I think). When they are together, they can be so sweet. But sometimes, sweet goes out the door. The begin to fight and he antogonizes her and of course, she can't stay calm enough to deal with him. And myself, being an only child, I can't understand the fighting situation. Open to suggestions.
Hannah and Khai swimming at Howard's. This is one of my favorite pictures of them of all time. Somehow I managed to forget it on the Christmas card (I think). When they are together, they can be so sweet. But sometimes, sweet goes out the door. The begin to fight and he antogonizes her and of course, she can't stay calm enough to deal with him. And myself, being an only child, I can't understand the fighting situation. Open to suggestions.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The Rose
Hannah is in pursuit of the perfect project for the 4-H Fair. I sent her out, with the camera, and told her, just take some pics. She came back with this. It left me speechless and smiling. I think it is an awesome picture. The rose looks so magnificent, alone, compared to the background. I don't think she thinks it is as good. She is still in pursuit of the perfect project. She worries me. She gets very "stressed" over simple things. Very bent out of shape over simple things. She reminds me of myself, and I can take a step back and look at this personability problem and I know that I don't like it. Yet, I don't know how to calm her down and let her realize that everything does not have to ge a big deal.
Today my students did an activity with soil. It worked really well. They discovered that not all soils release the same amount of water, which leads them to the question of which soil is better for your house and your plants. I am excited about our lesson tomorrow. Praying they will get it and bring it to a higher level.
Hannah and I went to church Sunday. A new church. She really enjoyed the children's service. So excited when we left. I was quiet stunned. I enjoyed the service too. I think it is the beginning of a new walk.
Today my students did an activity with soil. It worked really well. They discovered that not all soils release the same amount of water, which leads them to the question of which soil is better for your house and your plants. I am excited about our lesson tomorrow. Praying they will get it and bring it to a higher level.
Hannah and I went to church Sunday. A new church. She really enjoyed the children's service. So excited when we left. I was quiet stunned. I enjoyed the service too. I think it is the beginning of a new walk.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Sau and Khai
Sau and Khai. My father-in-law. Really a surprise. As my mother-in-law has been quiet sick this week, in the hospital. Sau has stayed with her every night. Most of the time he spends alot of time with this friends, so it is really surprising to see him with her like this. It confirms what I have always thought, he really loves her.
We have ended the work week. I pretty good week. The students are really hard working, and quite respectful. I really do enjoy teaching them. I think I want to persue a master's in Library Science. It definitely has always been one of my dreams, and now I think I am ready for it.
We have ended the work week. I pretty good week. The students are really hard working, and quite respectful. I really do enjoy teaching them. I think I want to persue a master's in Library Science. It definitely has always been one of my dreams, and now I think I am ready for it.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
My Grandfather, My Son
Today, Thursday, one day closer to Friday and over the hump. My body craves sleep. No matter the day or situation, I can't seem to get enough. So tired. And then the sleep is disturbed with dreams, never ending dreams. Thoughts, deep thoughts, long ago thoughts. Thoughts I may never consider during my waking hours, but thoughts that visit me in my dreams. Every night I dream, like a never ending storybook, sometimes good but more often not. Maybe an afternoon nap will make tonight's story better.
My grandfather and my son. A picture from a few years back. K seems to have come out of some kind of shell the last couple of days. He is very vocal, as opposed to before. He is listening intently with his ears and commenting on everything people say. He is very observant, playing alot of make believe with his toys, and being very creative. I am surprised and a bit taken aback as this is a little out of character for him but unbelievably interested to see how this will lead to the adult he will become. My grandfather, a shell of the man he once was. I adore him.
My grandfather and my son. A picture from a few years back. K seems to have come out of some kind of shell the last couple of days. He is very vocal, as opposed to before. He is listening intently with his ears and commenting on everything people say. He is very observant, playing alot of make believe with his toys, and being very creative. I am surprised and a bit taken aback as this is a little out of character for him but unbelievably interested to see how this will lead to the adult he will become. My grandfather, a shell of the man he once was. I adore him.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Christmas Vacation is Over
Vietnam-the phones still aren't working. The youngest brother, who lives on a mountain-a very beautiful mountain, has a phone that keeps a permanent busy signal. I am worried after the typhoon that hit the area, if they are okay. And we have a new great nephew, and I really want to know his name. Congratulations Tan and Ut on your baby boy! Co Gena chuc khoe nhieu cho gia dinh!
Friday, January 5, 2007
What a Gift!
Today one of the most amazing things happened, some really good friends welcomed a brand new little fellow into their lives. He is just beautiful, with a good set of lungs and pretty soft hair. How exciting to watch and observe a family connecting. It seems even more fun to watch someone else experience the whole pregnancy phenomenon. Thinking about the idea of a C-section, the cutting of tissue, muscle, is very disturbing. It leaves a very uneasy and nervous feeling. When everything is done, it still seems pretty amazing.

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