I sit with my computer, wondering how much can I say, or not. Open your thoughts or not. Is it really opening when someone has already read them?
Insomnia has taken me again. Oh so tired, yet can't put my eyes to sleep. Sleep, oh so precious, leads to the dreams, even more precious. Dreams that open up.......what? I can't remember.
I started this post about six months ago. Of course, for the life of me I can't remember what I was writing. My cousin and me in the pics, when we were babies and about four I guess.
My cousin, the one who knows me better than most, has been around longer than most, has experienced things that only her and I have-no one else knows or would understand. My cousin, the one who likes some things I like, the one I can go to a book store with a never feel a minute of guilt or rush because she breaths it like me.
My cousin, the one who has walked through more than I could ever imagine, never gives up hope and refocuses me when I get lost in small town America.
My cousin, simply amazing.