Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Happy Me

Originally uploaded by rogenadel.

It's been awhile. We are moving ( I have sort of mentioned this before). As we are on vacation for Mardi Gras, we have been consumed by the new, renter's house. Painting, painting, and painting some more. As I paint, which I ironically find quite relaxing, I fantasize about people in the world who never have the opportunity to paint, or are just rich enough to pay people to paint for them. I think they are missing therapy. I actually do enjoy the painting, especially the trimming.

Life has been kind of busy, as usual. I took the children to a parade today, finally. I only realized that I really don't care for all of the hoopla. Daughter really enjoyed it a lot. She is very outgoing, extrovert. Dear son, on the other hand, did not. Through out the whole parade, he sat on my lap holding my thumbs. He reminds me so much of myself when I was young. I find it really surprising. But, they experienced the parade and now they have beads to litter the floor until I through them in the garbage.

My picture, me in Vietnam. I think my family has definitely gotten tired of hearing about it but I am reminded if I don't write about my trip, I will definitely forget some things I never want to forget. When I reflect on my trip, I don't know where to start if I wanted to talk about it. Because my husband is a by product of the war, Amerasian, and was born in Saigon, I have always had the desire to see the country. To see the place of his birth, where his mother and father lived together as a family, where his brothers still are. I had read every bit of literature I could handle, done term papers in high school and in college on Vietnam, and dreamed. The thought of ever actually going seemed impossible. I talked about, I knew people who went, friends and students, but for me to go-just a dream.

Finally, two of my coworkers were going back in the summer of 05. Their family lived in the same province as my brothers-in-law. With them in country, I knew I would have English speaking friends, a comfort. My mother-in-law was in poor health. Her kidneys only getting worse. She had not been back in thirty years. We, as a family, knew that the opportunity for her to visit was getting shorter. If it was going to happen, it had to happen soon. I pleaded my desire to my husband, knowing very well to finance a trip was asking a bit much. Not to mention, who would take care of my children while I went on this trip around the world. I began working a second job at night, cleaning buildings, trying to make extra money for my trip. For the work I was doing, the money was not equivalent. And the only thing I learned was that I was glad to have a degree so I didn't have to do a manuel labor job.

About two weeks before my friend's departure date, my husband surprised me with a check. I cried and cried and cried. I really thought I was hallucinating. My greatest dream, he made come true. My children, my mom agreed to come and stay with my husband and my children for the month I would be gone and take care of them. A sacrifice. My friend took me to New Orleans to buy our tickets. We would be leaving two days after her. Then, my husband and I went to get my passport in New Orleans. I never stopped smiling. I think the people in the passport office even thought I was crazy because I was smiling so much. And then when I told them I was going to Vietnam, they really looked at me funny. That was one of the happiest days of my life.

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