Thursday, February 22, 2007

What a Sweet View!

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Since my insomnia is in control, I will keep writing.

We began our airplane trip in New Orleans to Houston to Seattle to Taipei to Saigon. My mother-in-law needed a wheelchair, which made the boarding the airplane very easy. We were always the first to get on and the last to get off. The flights were as fun as flights could be. Feeling that power as the plane takes off, the view, the landing. It was an amazing experience, observing everyone, sleeping on the plane, eating the airline food, all of it. I was meant to be a traveler.

After 27 hours, we arrived in Vietnam. I remember first seeing green when I knew we were over the country, it was the most beautiful green I had ever seen. Even thinking back to it now, it seems as if it was a dream. The airport was interesting. Nothing short of pandemonium, so many people, so many packages/luggage. Crazy. My mother-in-law was in a wheelchair, I had our carry on luggage (all of my cameras included), and trying to find 4 massive suitcases (70 pounds each). It was a bit scary. Oh, and when you enter and go through I guess what is customs for Vietnam, they ask for the address where you will be staying. Guess what? I had no IDEA! I had never wrote down an address, and then facing this man in a army uniform, I felt my blood pressure go up and the sweat begin to pour. Pure blessing, they let us go and said my brother-in-law would have to bring something back to them. Whew!

We made it through the airport and all of the lines. Thankfully for the wheelchair, it provided a bit of a rush. Finally, we were walking out of the doors into a wall of people. I can imagine now what celebrities must feel like, except these people were not cheering, just looking. And then out of the blue, our family came. My sisters-in-law first, they ran to my mother-in-law and then came hug me. I recognized them. And then, I began to make this really weird whimpering sound, like I can't believe this is happening sound. A sound of the purest pleasure and excitement. I don't think I knew what else to do. I was experiencing this journey that I had spent sooooo many days fantasizing about, watching tv of other people experiencing it but it was my turn. At that point, I thing true fear gripped me. I then realized that I could not speak, I could not communicate. For a person that loves to talk, that means death. At that point I had to rely on my travel companion. A companion who was not happy (yes, not happy, if a person can imagine such a thing) and probably having a nicotine fit. So, I broke out with my journal and pen and asked a sister-in-law to write their names-a beginning.

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