Saturday, January 20, 2007

Grandmaw Johnson

Grandmaw Johnson
Originally uploaded by rogenadel.
Today is my Grandmaw's birthday. She is 77. She is the mother of five, grandmother of nine, and great grandmother of nine. Wow! It is amazing. She is the grandmother that took us in when I was 4. I remember living in the projects with her, along with my uncle, and two aunts. She was the amazing person that took care of my uncle after he got into a life changing wreck that broke his neck. I remember sleeping on a mattress on the floor with her. The rest of the family had taken the bedrooms. My grandmother has never been mean to me, always encouraging, loving, understanding. I remember being a child and wondering how everyone else could have a talent but not me. And she told me, you have a talent, you just might not know what it is yet. It was some of the most amazing words I had ever heard. She represents strength and perserverence to me. Always proving that no matter what life gives to you, you can make it. And even if life gives you a few unexpected things, it is okay, it is part of the deal. She makes the best potato salad. It is my absolute favorite. In case you don't know maw, I love you and admire you a whole lot. Love your granddaughter.

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