Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Rose

The Rose
Originally uploaded by
Hannah is in pursuit of the perfect project for the 4-H Fair. I sent her out, with the camera, and told her, just take some pics. She came back with this. It left me speechless and smiling. I think it is an awesome picture. The rose looks so magnificent, alone, compared to the background. I don't think she thinks it is as good. She is still in pursuit of the perfect project. She worries me. She gets very "stressed" over simple things. Very bent out of shape over simple things. She reminds me of myself, and I can take a step back and look at this personability problem and I know that I don't like it. Yet, I don't know how to calm her down and let her realize that everything does not have to ge a big deal.
Today my students did an activity with soil. It worked really well. They discovered that not all soils release the same amount of water, which leads them to the question of which soil is better for your house and your plants. I am excited about our lesson tomorrow. Praying they will get it and bring it to a higher level.
Hannah and I went to church Sunday. A new church. She really enjoyed the children's service. So excited when we left. I was quiet stunned. I enjoyed the service too. I think it is the beginning of a new walk.

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